TrooperKat Story

Trooperkat. It’s an unusual name inspired by an incredible story of nurturing commitment and perseverance.

When our founder, Tim Hemer moved to the North Carolina countryside, he found a small black kitten that was at death’s door – sick, malnourished and in desperate need of immediate care. After a poor prognosis from the vet, Tim took him home and began caring for him. And in spite of his terrible condition, this little cat started to recover. Tim found himself saying to him over and over again, “you’re such a little trooper” and not surprisingly, that became the cat’s name. While training his clients, Tim found himself saying in the same way, “what a trooper you are!” as he was amazed by his client’s commitment to fitness. The name TrooperKat Fitness® was born.

Personalized Coaching and Training since 1967

TrooperKat Coaching

Our fitness programs are tailored to your individual goals and needs, keeping you engaged and motivated to pursue an active lifestyle.

  • We all know that exercise is beneficial. However, it’s not just for the young, healthy and fit. It is also one of the best defenses against the toughest traits of aging. Exercise not only improves heart and lung health, but research shows that even modest exercise is good for the brain, bones, muscles and mood. Many studies have found that lifelong exercise may keep people healthier longer and delay the onset of many chronic conditions. Exercise can also help reduce the risk of falls: alleviate depression, stress and anxiety and may even help people live longer.
  • Lifestyle exercise is not about lifting weights and attending fitness classes – it’s about performing daily activities in such a way that they actually become small exercise opportunities, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, for example, or parking at the far end of the parking lot instead of close to the door. Developing new habits targeted at a healthier lifestyle will keep you in shape so that life’s challenges become easier.
  • Older adults in particular should engage in moderate exercise and strength training each week. Unfortunately, less than one third of our aging population meets this objective. Cardio fitness is a measurement of your VO2 max – the maximum amount of oxygen your body can consume during exercise. Your cardio fitness level is a strong indication of your overall physical health. At TrooperKat Fitness®, we teach functional movements that improve both cardio fitness and muscle strength in daily activities.
  • As we age, our bodies naturally lose muscle mass, which can lead to a lack of independence and a diminished quality of life. But there is something you can do about it. Consistently participating in a strength training program is scientifically proven to reduce age related muscle loss, restore strength and increase functional ability. TrooperKat Fitness® will design a program that will make you feel younger, stronger and more confident.